Nov 27, 2022 | Reflections
The “Pie Ladies” of St. George’s Church Feasting on homemade pies on Monday afternoons was a church-sponsored tradition for residents of the former Harbor Home, a small state-run facility in York Harbor, Maine. Here, in a quiet two-story brick...
Nov 15, 2022 | Reflections
Image: Barbara Ryther In the Fall Apples are at their best in the fall… I look for smooth, red skin. No bruises, please. Honey Crisps for eating Macs for sauce Cortlands for crisps or pies. Today is a good day for a crisp. At the farm stand I buy six...
Nov 2, 2022 | Reflections
Image: Barbara Kautz The Lion and the Sparrow At the arc of dawnin that blue and burning placebetween what wasand what is yet to besits a lion. With shoulders like mountainsand flames for eyesthe lion awaits morningas if calling it into being. So, too, awaits the...
Nov 2, 2022 | Reflections, Updates
Image: Barbara Ryther Thoughts from the beach: Grace I’ve been thinking about the most recent Medications post, about how hard it can be to say “I’m sorry” particularly when the world seems unforgiving. To say “I forgive you” is also hard, but for different reasons. ...