Feb 25, 2021 | Reflections
Image: Barbara Ryther The Journey This year I think I’ve given up enough To last at least a decade’s worth of Lent. And yet the calendar goes on. The journey asks: who are you now? Who are you called to be? Facing mortality, taking time to be quiet, Looking ahead in...
Feb 18, 2021 | Reflections
Image: Nina Bisognani Wishes If we were granted just one wish, we might choose to erase much of the past year: The year the virus called COVID entered our lives and brought us, weeping, to our knees. How easily it decimated the bodies of loved ones, tore families...
Feb 11, 2021 | Reflections
Image: Barbara Ryther Solitude Solitude, when it arrives uninvited, brings with it doubt and loneliness.It creates time to dwell on what we do not have, and what we cannot do.It talks about our shortcomings and reminds us of our weaknesses.It gets inside our heads and...
Feb 3, 2021 | Reflections
Image: Nina Bisognani Sea Change This round earth on which we live changes every day. Fall turns to winter to spring and then sometimes we discover a bit more winter before the leaves, in their gloriously new green, finally herald spring. The color of the Japanese...