Every Sunday,
we affirm out loud
that all are welcome at God’s Table.

What We’re About
We’ve changed over the years, but know our calling: to be a place of welcome and embrace for everyone, and to live out the forgiveness, justice, inclusion and generosity of the loving God revealed in Jesus.
Whoever you are, whatever your story. Whoever you love, whatever your experience of the Church. There is space for you to come and share fully in the life of St. George’s.

Life Together
God loves us.
God is for us.
God is with us.
God has given us a way of responding: loving and serving others. St. George’s is committed to the work of nurturing community within our congregation and to joining the work of Jesus beyond the walls of the church among our neighbors.

How We Worship
Our Episcopal tradition gifts us with rich and beautiful ways of worshipping. We carry that forward by seeking ways of gathering, praying and singing that welcome new voices. Old and new at once.
Worship looks like praying together nightly online, or gathering to pray for each other when we’re sick or in need. It looks like telling the story of God around a fire outside. It sounds like the singing of our choir. Its the celebration that Christ is truly among us in the Holy Eucharist and the sharing of bread and wine.
Clergy & Staff
The Rev. Ryan Mails
The Venerable Aaron Perkins
Dr. Ivan Stefanov
Minister of Music
Joyce Parent
Parish & Communications Administrator