St. George’s

Worship this Sunday

Snow Day! No in-person service. 

Morning Prayer  Online
@ 9:00am


Simple Eucharist &
Healing Prayer
Thursday @ 10:00am

A simple service with a conversational reflection on the Scripture of the day and prayers for healing.

Download the bulletin

Night Prayers Online

Monday through Friday evenings at 8:30pm, you can close the day with a community check-in and the night prayers of Compline. Join Compline.

Download the Compline leaflet 

Growing in Faith

Book Group:
God’s Ghostwriters: Enslaved Christians and the Making of the Bible. 
by Candida Moss

This season after Epiphany, we’ll be reading a new book: God’s Ghostwriters by the historian Candida Moss. This book explores how enslaved people were essential in the creation of the New Testament, and how we hear their voices in the liberating Word of our Scriptures. 

Knitting Circle

Wednesdays between 5:30 and 7:00pm, bring your knitting, crocheting and needlework for some time spent together. If you have unfinished projects, have always wanted to start knitting or would enjoy some conversation, the days are getting shorter, and wool feels great on a cool evening. This is a space for the whole community.

Meditations Blog

Members of our St. George’s community are creating and offering poems, reflections and images as doorways into prayer.  These may be places of stillness to face what you are feeling today, and reminders of beauty and communion. We pray they will be signs to you of God’s nearness in all things. Visit the latest offering. 

Bible Study Groups

St. George’s will be offering two new Bible study groups beginning in February. 

On Monday afternoons at 1:00, we’ll spend time with the Scripture passages appointed in the cycle of reading for that week. Our first meeting will be on February 10th. Bring a Bible and we’ll explore together! 

 We’ll also kick off a monthly gathering at SOME Brewing on Rt. 1 in York on February 12th. We’ll meet at 5:30, with some time for fellowship, then turn to conversation about the threads and themes we’re encountering in the Scriptures we’re hearing on Sundays in that season.