Maundy Thursday, 2021

Apr 1, 2021

Image: Sudie Blanchard

The Feast of the Windblown Wafers

No, it wasn’t really a feast day.
It was Lent. Mid-Lent.
It was cold—New England cold—
Brilliant sun, bitter chill and windy.
But it felt like a feast day

After a year-long fast from
Our regular Sunday gatherings,
We were meeting again
On the first day of the week
To share the Body of Christ 
With the Body of Christ!

We were all still masked, in the parking lot.
Alas, several precious featherlight wafers 
Fell victim to the wind.
But there were tears 
And there was joy
As we shared Jesus and each other.

No it wasn’t really a feast day,
But like a single yellow crocus spotted
Peeping from last year’s dead leaves,
This chilly gathering held the promise of 
More feasts, more joy to come.

– Sudie Blanchard